Strategic Plan
On January 15, 2020 the LPHS Board of Education adopted The 120 Promise: L.P.H.S. 2026 Strategic Plan. Over fifty staff, students, parents, and community members participated in the development of the District's new comprehensive strategic plan. The 120 Promise is built around four essential pillars:
Learning: Design and deliver effective practices that promote student learning
Partnerships: Enhance communication and community relations to support student learning
High-performing Culture: Foster a high-performing culture focused on student learning
Steward Resources: Steward District resources that promotes student learning
The 120 Promise will guide and direct the District's school improvement plans (SIP) for the next six years. Each SIP will be structured in two-year cycles, thus providing staff with enough time to effectively implement the planned action steps. The first SIP will be crafted during the Spring 2020 semester, with an official start on July 1, 2020.
Download a PDF copy of the Strategic Plan below: