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LPHS Facilities

Constructed in 1926 with additions throughout the 20th century to meet growing community needs, LaSalle-Peru Township High School’s main campus building has become a local landmark. Generations of Cavaliers have walked beneath the school’s soaring clock tower as they progressed through their LPHS educations.

Nearly 90 years later, we, as a school district and a community, continue to preserve this wonderful structure and, more importantly, the learning that takes place within it. When community members and school leaders came together two years ago to develop at strategic plan for LPHS they established goals in five important focus areas: Student Learning & Performance, Technology, Community Engagement, Human Resources, and Facilities. Regarding LPHS’s facilities, the strategic planning group set a goal of providing “state-of-the-art facilities that promote Cavalier pride and support academic, artistic, vocational, and athletic excellence for the LPHS community.”   Since that goal was established, the LPHS Board of Education and administrators, together with strong support throughout the district, have been working toward accomplishing that goal while always providing a safe and supporting learning environment for LP students and maintaining fiscal responsibility.

Click here to learn more about the 2016-2018 L-P Renovation project.

Thankfully, after all those years, the foundation and bones of this majestic building remain strong. Nevertheless, improvements are needed to prepare the historic building to be a 21st Century learning environment. Recently, projects have been completed to improve the main campus building’s infrastructure, renovate decades-old restrooms, enhance the gymnasium floor, and provide greater energy savings.

At LPHS, we look forward to seeing many more generations of Cavaliers become great thinkers and future leaders in the same great building as all those who came before them.

The LPHS campus is maintained by a dedicated crew of maintenance and custodial employees.

Headshot of Mr. TIm Tomminello

Tim Tomminello

Director of Buildings & Grounds
