What kind of Chromebook is being issued to the student?
Every student will be issued an Acer 733 Chromebook 11 Non-Touch device with a Work-In-Case.
How will students be prepared for the responsibility of having their own Chromebook device?
Students will be issued their Chromebook on the day they register for school. Freshmen students will receive information on expectations for acceptable use, how to care for the device, general tips and guidelines, how to request help at school, and the safety features of a LPHS-managed Chromebook at Freshmen Orientation Day.
How will Mobile Learning impact responsibilities for students and parents?
Students will need to care for their device, charge it nightly, and use it to the fullest potential. With support, the district is certain that students will benefit from 1:1 technology and instruction. Parents/guardians are encouraged to talk to their student about this exciting initiative. They can also talk to their student about the character attribute of responsibility.
Are the students allowed to bring the Chromebook home?
Yes, students are allowed and should bring their Chromebook home.
Can a student use their personally owned device such as a laptop instead of the District issued Chromebook?
No. The Chromebook purchased through LPHS is configured specifically for our LP student account accounts and contain safety features and administrative controls unavailable on commercially purchased devices.
Can any family member use the Chromebook?
No. Only students with LPHS domain accounts can login to the Chromebook
Are there any filters on the device which will block inappropriate content?
Yes. Every chromebook is protected with iBoss, a District purchased service. Iboss extends our existing filter policies within the district to off-network devices to ensure safe, secure 24/7 learning opportunities.
What if the student does not have Wi-Fii access at home?
WI-Fi access is available to students on campus before and after school. Students can also use community access points such as the public library or a local business. In addition, high speed internet access can be purchased by families qualifying for free/ reduced lunch through Comcast for $9.95 a month. Promotions and/or additional eligibility criteria do apply. Please visit InternetEssentials.com or pickup a brochure at the greeter's desk.
What will happen if a student does not bring his or her device to school or forgets to fully charge the device?
Students will still be responsible for the completion of their classwork, without the use of the device. These are the same expectations that would apply if a student forgot a textbook or other class resource. The McCormack Library will have a charging station available for students to recharge their device during a studyhall or lunch time.
My child participates in an after-school activity, club, or sport. Who is responsible for the safe-keeping of the Chromebook?
The student is responsible for the safe keeping of the Chromebook. The District highly recommend that students leave their Chromebook in their locked school-assigned locker when participating in home or away after-school events. The chromebook should not be left in buses or cars.
Where should students keep the Chromebook at school?
At school, Chromebooks will be used for nearly all classes. For any classes not requiring your Chromebook, or during lunch, or PE students should store the Chromebook in their locker.
How should students carry their Chromebooks?
Always carry the Chromebook in the school issued carrying case, even when at home. Never carry your Chromebook in your backpack doing so will damage the device.
What happens if a student's Chromebook is stolen?
All parents should discuss safety precautions with his or her child. If the device was stolen off campus, the theft of the device must be immediately reported to the police. A copy of the police report must be provided to the school the next day school is in session. If the device was stolen on campus, the theft of the device must be immediately reported to a dean or the school’s police resource officer. The parent/guardian will be responsible for the full replacement cost of the device, which is referenced in the Technology Handbook. Loaners will not be available for stolen devices. Students will be responsible for all of the work related to their classes.
What happens if the Chromebook stops working?
Should the Chromebook become inoperable, bring it to the tech center for evaluation. Students may borrow a loaner while their Chromebook is being repaired.