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Inclement Weather Information

Inclement Weather Policy Information

Student safety is the top priority of LaSalle-Peru Township High School District 120. District administration monitors the threat of inclement weather closely and considers numerous factors when determining whether or not to close schools or adjust school start times. Please note that the considerations below are only guidelines and that many factors influence decisions regarding school closures due to poor weather conditions. Whenever inclement weather is on the horizon our administration, led by the superintendent, closely monitors local conditions while in consulation with neighboring districts, local emergency service providers and road officials, and our bus company. 

Our goal is to provide cancellation information to our families as soon as possible in the event of a weather emergency.  If schools are closed for the day, LPHS will make every effort to release this information to students, families, faculty/staff, and the community through our mass notification system, local media, and our social media platforms. If school is closed, all after school activities, including athletics and evening events, will likely also be cancelled. Please keep in mind that some of our students live in rural areas where roads are not cleared as quickly as in town and snow drifts can be considerably larger. LPHS takes into account the situation of all our students before making a decision to cancel school.

Considerations for school cancellation and/or schedule adjustment:

  • A heavy accumulation of snow occurs, and/or icy conditions exist, especially during travel times to and from school  
  • High winds or blowing snow making travel difficult
  • Buses unable to run, and/or streets are not clear enough for bus travel
  • Hazardous driving conditions
  • Power or phone outages