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Daily Announcements

Attention Seniors: Aubrie with ISAC is here every Thursday from 10:30-12:30 for help with college apps or the FAFSA requirement for high school graduation and to attend college. Please sign up in the counseling office today!

Seniors: This is a reminder that LP scholarships are live (via email and on our website).  The deadline to apply for most of these scholarships is Monday, Feb. 10.  Please contact the counseling office if you have any further questions.  

Seniors: Please look for an email from Mrs. Balestri to register for college 101 sessions being held today and again on February 7th.   The session this morning will help you with LP Scholarships and the session on February 7th will cover IVCC Scholarships.  Please register at the link provided in the email or contact Mrs. Balestri in the counseling office if you can’t find your email. 

There will be an intramural ping pong tournament on Thursday February 6th at 6:30. We will have singles and doubles. Sign up outside the PE office in the Sellett gym or see Mr. Keating with any questions.

Attention Seniors: Please note there has been a change to the dollar amount for the Tonica Teachers Scholarship.  The amount has been updated on our website.

Are you looking a fun way to help others and earn Cav cord hours? Volunteer for the ILVY swim team on Sunday, Feb. 23, starting at 8:00 a.m. Volunteers will help with setup and be taught how to do timing, concessions, or other exciting jobs. Please contact Rhiannon for more info at 815-228-5442. 

Attention Freshman: Summer Driver Ed Registration is now open.  Please look for an email from Mr. Cherveny to register or stop in the counseling office to grab a form. 

The weightroom will be open after school Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. See you there!

Attention Cavaliers: Our next Art Club meeting will be Feb 6th after school until 4pm. We will be working on the Mural for the ACC building. Please meet in the Art Room right after school and we will walk over together. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Hi Cavaliers, Dungeons & Dragons will meet Tuesday after school in Ms. Wests room. New members are welcome. 

TOPS will meet on Tuesday, February 4th right after school in the health room. Everyone is welcome. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Blessman.  

Attention GSA: We will have a meeting tomorrow after school in room #331. The meeting will start at 3:10. Hope to see you there!

Attention Freshmen and Sophomore Board members: We are selling Valentines February 3rd, 5th and 7th. If you signed up to sell, please join us in the cafeteria during your lunch period. Any questions, see Mrs. Theisinger or Mrs. Liebhart.

Anyone interested in track, offseason conditioning will be Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays all through February from 3-4:30.  Meet in Coach Carney’s room 127. 

Sadie is right around the corner. If you plan to bring a guest from outside of our LP Student body, please stop by the School Safety office anytime to get a Guest Request Form. They will be due on Friday, February  14.

Attention Seniors: Aubrie with ISAC is here every Thursday from 10:30-12:30 for help with college apps or the FAFSA requirement for high school graduation and to attend college. Please sign up in the counseling office today!

Seniors: This is a reminder that LP scholarships are live (via email and on our website).  The deadline to apply for most of these scholarships is Monday, Feb. 10.  Please contact the counseling office if you have any further questions.  

The weightroom will be open after school on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday for any student that wants to workout. See Mr. Spudic if you have any questions. Hope to see you there!

Attention Cavaliers: Are you someone who wants to take action, build international understanding, and make new friends around the world? Come and join the LP Interact Club! We can help you develop your leadership skills while you discover the power of Service Above Self and find out how serious leadership can be seriously fun! Our next meeting is Tuesday, Jan 28th at 7:15am in Rm 224.  We will be discussing our plans for the Coldest Night of the year, the blood drive, and our international blog. Please see Mrs. Jenkins if you have any questions.

GSA — We will have our usual Tuesday meeting tomorrow after school in room #331. Hope to see you there!

Seniors: Please look for an email from Mrs. Balestri to register for college 101 sessions being held on February 3rd and again on February 7th.   The session on February 3rd will help you with LP Scholarships and the session on February 7th will cover IVCC Scholarships.  Please register at the link provided in the email or contact Mrs. Balestri in the counseling office if you can’t find your email. 

There will be an intramural ping pong tournament on Thursday February 6th at 6:30. We will have singles and doubles. Sign up outside the PE office in the Sellett gym or see Mr. Keating with any questions.

Hey LP! Don’t forget to check your emails for Yearbooks weekly surveys! Staff and Senior Superlative winners should be getting notes today to announce your win and when to report to Ms. Walke’s room 156 for your picture. Stop by the Yearbook room with any questions.

The Business Education Award is given to a senior that has taken multiple business courses.  If you are interested in applying for this award, please see any business instructor for an application. The application is due Friday, February 21.

There will be a football meeting on Friday, January 31, 2025 at 3pm in the Matthiessen Auditorium for freshman, sophomores, and juniors.

Attention Cavaliers: Our next Art Club meeting will be Jan 23rd after school until 4pm. We will be working on the Mural for the ACC building. Please meet in the Art Room right after school and we will walk over together. Everyone is welcome to attend. 

Attention GSA: There will be a make-up meeting tomorrow after school in room #331! At this meeting, we will talk about plans for Saturday's Youth Leadership Summit that we are attending in Bloomington and other upcoming things the GSA will be working towards. Hope to see you tomorrow after school!

The Foreign Language Club will have a meeting on Thursday, January 23 at 7:20 in room 141. We will be learning about Spain.

The weightroom will be open after school on Tuesday and Thursday for any student interested in working out. See Mr. Spudic if you have any questions.

Junior Board will have a meeting on Thursday, 1/23 in Mrs. Hartman’s room at 7:20 am.

Attention Seniors: Aubrie with ISAC is here every Thursday from 10:30-12:30 for help with college apps or the FAFSA requirement for high school graduation and to attend college. Please sign up in the counseling office today!

Seniors: This is a reminder that LP scholarships are live (via email and on our website).  The deadline to apply for most of these scholarships is Monday, Feb. 10.  Please contact the counseling office if you have any further questions.  

Attn all students:  January 21st is the last day to drop a class without a “W”.  Please see your counselor today if you need to make any changes to your schedule. 

Attention all students!!!  Are you missing something?  Check the lost and found in the Bookstore room 231  Mrs. Picco may have your items.  The bookstore is open 7am until 3:30 daily.

P.E. Sweatshirts and Pants are available for purchase.

Sweatshirts are $10.00

Sweatpants are $13.00

You can pay with cash, check, Apple Pay, credit or debit card in the bookstore for all items and Exams.

Attention Seniors: Aubrie with ISAC is here every Thursday from 10:30-12:30 for help with college apps or the FAFSA requirement for college and high school graduation. Please sign up in the counseling office today!

Seniors: This is a reminder that LP scholarships are live (via email and on our website).  However, please remember that you will not be able to submit them until 7-semester GPA’s and ranks are calculated (should be this week).  You can start completing the scholarship applications and working on essays leading up to that point.  The deadline to apply for most of these scholarships is Monday, Feb. 10.  Please contact the counseling office if you have any further questions.  

Attn Juniors & Seniors: A former LP Student and current Student Ambassador from Columbia University in New York will be visiting with our students January 15th during 2nd/3rd Periods.  Please check your email to register for the class period you would like see her presentation.

The weightroom will be open after school on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday for anyone interested in working out. See you there!

Attention Cavaliers: Our next Art Club meeting will be Jan 23rd after school until 4pm. We will be working on the Mural for the ACC building. Please meet in the Art Room right after school and we will walk over together. Everyone is welcome to attend. 

Attention Cavaliers: Are you someone who wants to take action, build international understanding, and make new friends around the world. Come and join the LP Interact Club! We can help you develop your leadership skills while you discover the power of Service Above Self and find out how serious leadership can be seriously fun! Our next meeting is Tuesday, Jan 14th at 7:15am in Rm 224. We will be discussing Coldest Night of the Year Walk and Blood Drive details.  Please see Mrs. Jenkins if you have any questions.

Are you interested in architecture, design, mechanics, or engineering? If so, there is a Tech Club meeting in room E115 in the ACC building on Tuesday, January 14th until 4:15 after school. Everyone is welcome.

Seniors: The time to vote for Superlatives is here! And all LP students can vote for your favorite staff or faculty member in the Staff Superlatives this year as well! Look for an email from Ell Ess Pe to vote! Voting closes this Friday!

Attention GSA: We will have the SECOND meeting of the SECOND semester tomorrow after school in room 331. See what I did there? Hey, speaking of the word SECOND, see if you can bring a SECOND person with you to tomorrow's meeting. Remember Cavs, ALL are welcome at these meetings! Hope to see you tomorrow after school!

Any student that does not have P.E. this semester but was sick at the end of last semester, please clean out your gym locker and belongings. Please stop by before or after school or talk to one of the P.E. teachers.

Freshmen and Sophomore Boards will meet this Tuesday, January 14th at 7:20am in Mrs. Liebhart's Room (136) to discuss the Valentine's fundraiser. If you cannot attend, please let Mrs. Theisinger or Mrs. Liebhart know.

D&D Club will meet right after school on Tuesday in Ms. West's room, 153. All are welcome to join!

Superfan leaders will have a meeting Tuesday 1/14 at 7:20 am in room 338.

There will be a Renaissance meeting today after school in room 150. New members are always welcome!

Attn Seniors:   Aubrie with ISAC and our counselors will be meeting with Seniors tomorrow during 2nd or 3rd period to discuss Scholarships, as well information on your FAFSA and what comes next once it has been completed.  Please check your email to register to attend during 2nd or 3rd period. 

Attention seniors: Aubrie with ISAC is here every Thursday from 10:30-12:30 for help with college apps or the FAFSA requirement for college and high school graduation. Please sign up in the counseling office today!

Attention juniors and seniors: are you interested in agriculture and want to take a course to learn more about the industry? Contact your counselor today to sign up for our first ag class starting next semester! 

Seniors: Today is the last day to submit your high school involvement information for the Yearbook. Look for the email from Ms. Walke or stop by room 156 with questions!

Please return all library books or make sure you renew them by their due date to avoid being charged fines at the end of the semester.

The weightroom will be open after school on Monday and Tuesday. Come on down to get a workout in!

THE DUDE competition has returned. Come test your fitness and GRIT, Thursday at 11:45, after finals. This is open to all students, but we are taking the first 30 students to sign up. To sign up email Coach Glupczynski or Coach Spudic or in person in room 131. Can't wait to see you there

Attention Cavaliers: Are you someone who wants to take action, build international understanding, and make new friends around the world. Come and join the LP Interact Club! We can help you develop your leadership skills while you discover

the power of Service Above Self and find out how serious leadership can be seriously fun! Our next meeting is Tuesday, Dec 17th at 7:15am in Rm 224.  Please see Mrs. Jenkins if you have any questions.

Attention all students: All requests to change classes next semester are due prior to leaving on Friday, Dec. 20.  Please contact your counselor immediately with any requests and good luck wrapping up the semester!

Attention seniors graduating early: This is a reminder that the FAFSA or non-participation form is required in order to graduate.  Please contact your counselor immediately if you have not already completed one or you will not be allowed to graduate mid-year.

Attention all students!!!  Are you missing something?  Check the lost and found in the Bookstore room 231 Mrs. Picco may have your items.  I have a lot of water bottles, pencil bags, jewelry, hats, planners and clothing.  The Bookstore is open 7am until 3:30 daily.

P.E. Sweatshirts and Pants have arrived if you would like to purchase them.
Sweatshirts are $10.00
Sweatpants are $13.00
You can pay with cash, check, Apple Pay, credit or debit card in the Bookstore for all items and Exams.

LAST LOST AND FOUND DAY OF THE YEAR!!!!  Monday December 16th outside the cafeteria during all lunch periods!!  Stop by to claim your lost items!!!

Attention GSA: Don't forget that tomorrow after school is the Christmas & end-of-semester celebration! Also, if you would like to participate in the white elephant gift exchange, make sure you bring some sort of a gift wrapped and ready to exchange! Hoping to see you tomorrow after school for the GSA holiday celebration party!

The Dungeons and Dragons club will meet on Tuesday after school this week for our last meeting of the year! See you there!