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Assessment Reporting

LaSalle-Peru Township High School District 120 posts its annual assessment overview online. These annual assessment overviews, beginning in the 2016-2017 school year, provide a report of every reliable assessment that measures a certain group or subset of students in the same manner with the same potential assessment items, is scored by a non-district entity; is administered either statewide or beyond Illinois, and will be administered by the school district in that year. Additionally, the overview provides information regarding the administration window for the assessments, the entity requiring the assessment, the grade levels taking the assessment, the subsets of students (such as English Learners or special education students) taking the assessment, an estimate of the average time it takes a student to complete the assessment, and if the results of the assessment are to be used for purposes other than for guiding instructions, such as promotion, course placement, graduation, teacher evaluation or school performance ratings. Please contact Mr. Chris Gibson, Associate Principal for Teaching & Learning, at 815-223-1721 or

Assessment Overview

Assessment Overview Calendar