World Languages
Foreign Languages
The Foreign Language Division follows the conviction of ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) that “knowing how, when and why to say what to whom” serves as the basis of all meaningful communication. As our world grows even more interdependent, such communication demands proficiency in more than one language. For this reason, the Foreign Language Division strives to develop its students into well-rounded, multi-dimensional individuals who have both a knowledge of and appreciation of foreign cultures and civilizations and a tolerance and acceptance of the cultural differences of various peoples. Such understanding will help our students now and in the future to meet the challenges of an ever-changing and diverse world. Successful completion of one year of a foreign language fulfills an Illinois state graduation
requirement; however, a minimum of two years is recommended.
All foreign language students work in the Language Lab at least one period every two weeks. Extra help is available in the lab every morning from 7:05–7:50 A.M. for students who have work to make up or who need additional assistance.
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