Oasis & Pride Programs
LPHS offers two structured programs designed to meet students’ behavioral and emotional needs that cannot be addressed in a less structured setting. Students in both programs receive core academic classes that are aligned to the general education curriculum, but modified based on individual needs as designated by the IEP. Both programs utilize a behavioral level system and classroom community model to encourage academic and behavioral success. In addition to core academic classes, students receive direct instruction in anger management, conflict resolution, coping skills, and relationship-building. The goal of both programs is to provide students with the social-emotional and behavioral skills necessary to return to a less-structured setting. The programs both contain a counseling component provided by the school social worker or psychologist, but the programs differ in the amount of structure provided.
Oasis Program: Oasis is the less restrictive of the two programs. Students receive a maximum of 5 classes within the Oasis classroom, but have access to a regular lunch period, hallway privileges and at least 2 other classes outside the Oasis classroom.
Pride Program: Pride is a highly structured program designed to provide intensive supervision within a public high school setting. The students receive the majority of classes within the Pride classroom and eat a supervised lunch with a paraprofessional. Course offerings in the Oasis & Pride Programs:
Any of the courses listed in the Instructional Program can be offered in the Oasis and Pride Programs, although not every year. Student needs determine which courses will be offered any given year. Other core academic classes may also be provided based on student needs.
Additionally, students also take the following course:
Peace: This course is offered every semester in both the Oasis and Pride programs. It emphasizes the development of appropriate pro-social behaviors and is taught in conjunction with the social worker. Topics covered include problem-solving, goal-setting, anger management, strategies for success, and empathy. The course includes direct instruction, role-playing, experiential education, games, and community-based instruction. Students may receive credit for this class every semester that they are in either the Oasis or Pride Programs.